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    Change Your Perspective on Change

    Date: June 11, 2020, 8:00am – 9:00pm
    Yamhill County HR Association
    Virtual meeting
    No Fee
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    Change Your Perspective on Change


    Presenter: Alan Cabelly, Ph.D., SHRM-SCP, Professor Emeritus at Portland State University.

    We’ve all heard the saying, "the one thing that remains constant is change!" Dealing with HR change is ever prevalent; today, in the age of COVID-19, change is fraught with more emotional and social distress than ever before. While we know that change is something we all desire, we prefer it to not be thrust upon us as it has been in recent months.  We have closed down, and now we are slowly reopening.  What will these transitions bring us?

    In a jam packed hour, we will study our responses to change from both individual and organization perspectives.  We'll help individuals clarify the active role they play in creating the change they want within their business or personal life, and how they get in the way of their own success.  Participants will gain helpful insight into small changes they can  make to be more effective in implementing change in their professional sphere of influence, both within today's environment and the future.  For creating change, there is no time like the present. 


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    About the Presenter:

    Alan has taught and advised its award winning HRM program and SHRM students since 1980. Prof. Cabelly is founder and Executive Director of the Portland Leadership Institute (, which focuses on Leadership Excellence in the 21st century. He uses the DiSC© system and other contemporary techniques for Executive and Leadership Coaching, and speaks widely on topics such as InterGenerational Effectiveness in the Workplace; Strategic Negotiations; and Corporate Leadership and Teambuilding. His personal mission is to help individuals increase their leadership skills and improve the functioning of their work teams. He helps people find passion in their work life, leading to greater individual engagement and satisfaction, and increased organization productivity.